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Past Paper of Sociology CSS Exams 2013

CSS 2013, Paper of Sociology CSS held on 27-February -2013
Q:2 Heredity versus group influence has given birth to controversy in explaining socialization process. Where do you locate yourself in the theoretical debate?

Q:3 Is Max Weber more relevant than Durkheim in today’s globalizing world? Discuss with reference to their theoretical contributions.

Q: 4 What is hypothesis? Develop a hypothesis and identify:
(a) independent variables
(b) dependent variable and
(c) mediating variable (if any)

Q: 5 Define and differentiate between caste and class. Discuss the dynamics of classes in the existing feudal system.

Q: 6 Discuss as to how the process of social and cultural change in Pakistan can be accelerated? Your answer must include theoretically relevant factors in the rate of change.

Q: 7 Discuss the nature and genesis of institutions along with the change taking place in Pakistani family.

Q: 8 Write comprehensive notes on any two of the following:
(a) Marxist influence on sociological theory
(b) Determinants of social mobility
(c) Institutional evasions
(d) Social Planning

Paper of Sociology MCQS CSS 2013 Held on 27-02-2013

1. Socialization is
(a) Instinctive process
(b) Personal social learning
(c) Building up of norms and values in the personality by groups
(d) None of these

2. Who can be taken as early pure sociologist among the social thinkers?
(a) Auguste Comte
(b) Ibn e Khuldoon
(c) Durkheim
(d) None of these

3. Ascribed social status of a person is determined by
(a) Biological inheritance
(b) What he achieves
(c) Contacts abroad
(d) None of these

4. In Cultural Lag the part that moves slowly is called
(a) Material culture
(b) Symbolic culture
(c) Sub-culture
(d) None of these

5. The spread of cultural traits and patterns in space is called:
(a) Assimilation
(b) Acculturation
(c) Diffusion
(d) None of these

6. A Stimulus-Response Condition between two persons is called:
(a) Exchange
(b) Dialogue
(c) Interaction
(d) None of these

7. Polyandry is a form of marriage in which
(a) Many women marry one man
(b) Many men are husbands of one woman
(c) One man marries a woman
(d) None of these

8. A verified and verifiable proposition is
(a) Hypothesis
(b) Design
(c) Fact
(d) None of these

9. Urbanism is
(a) A process of migration
(b) An attitude
(c) Equal to Urbanization
(d) Nome of these

10. An operational definition of a concept is
(a) Mediating variable
(b) Guideline for the researcher in the field
(c) A formal or lexicographic
(d) None of these

11. Culture is
(a) What has been given to us by our forefathers
(b) Man-made part of the environment
(c) Music, drama, dance etc.
(d) None of these

12. Innovation is
(a) Invention
(b) Discovery
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these

13. Emphasis in quantitative data is on
(a) Validity
(b) Reliability
(c) Formal procedure
(d) none

14. A sample is
(a) A process of selecting items
(b) A smaller part representing the universe
(c) Giving a few examples from population
(d) None of these

15. When two or more persons interact with each other, they form
(a) Community
(b) Group
(c) Society
(d) None of these

16. A social caste is always
(a) Exogamous and open
(b) Endogamous and closed
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these

17. A cricket match is an example
(a) Truce
(b) Accommodation
(c) Competition
(d) None of these

18. A socially expected and approved behavior is called
(a) Folkway
(b) Social norm
(c) More
(d) None of these

19. A push factor in migration means
(a) People attracted by urban facilities
(b) People forced by circumstances leaving
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of these

20. An Interview Guide is
(a) The person who guides the interview
(b) A booklet that explains the dynamics of an interview
(c) a list of topics to be covered in an interview
(d) None of these

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