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Paper of International law CSS Paper 2014

Paper of International law CSS exams 2014, guideline for upcoming exams of css 2015 and onward, Part II of the paper
Q.NO.2 “When all has been said it will be found that consent remains firmly the basis of international law, and there are as many, and only as many, sources of international law as there are ways whereby the consent of states can be expressed”? Discuss

Q.NO.3 “What ever be the generally accepted rules governing the outer limit of the territorial limit of the territorial sea this issue, and others like it, will be settled in many cases on the basis of the principles of acquiescence and opposability”. Discuss

Q.NO.4 the assumption that the “genuine link” formula, invented for dealing with people, is capable of immediate application to ships……….smacks of a disappointing naivete

Q.NO.5 “The case law of the international court of justice and the practice of United Nations show that while the principle of self-determination is agreed upon, neither the scope of its application nor the method of decolonisation has been settled” Discuss

Q.NO.6″All the major issues on voting in the security council are now satisfactorily resolved. The real problem to day is about the composition of the Security Council” Discuss

Q.NO.7″The office of the Secretary General of the United Nations is certainly the most important and visible post in intentional multilateral diplomacy but it has been called the most impossible job in the world because the faces complex and contradictory pressures in the performance of his duties” Discuss

Q. No.8 To what extent could the constitution and practice of the international labour organisation server as a useful model for other specialized international organisations ?

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