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Paper of Journalism for CSS 2014 Exams

Paper of Journalism for CSS 2014 Exams held on 18-02-2014

2. Do you think that internet is flattening the cultural differences and synching distinct cultures on some common grounds? Discuss critically

3. Media do not tell you what to think, but what to think about. This premise signifies the role of media as an agenda setter. However recent research on agenda setting explores the media’s role in framing the most salient aspects of an issue and let the people think not only about the issue but also affect thinking process of the viewers. Discuss the distinction about agenda setting and framing(as a secondary-level agenda setting) theories.

4. Media seems to have limited role in developing people political attitude, rather than individual attitude and behaviour are greatly shaped by groups they are associated with.

5. It is not socio-economic strata (SES) of the people that creates knowledge gap in asocial systems advocated by relatively old knowledge-Gap theory But the Digital Divide which creates information-rich and information-poor groups in a society. critically discuss the two by making a clear distinction between them..

Section 2

6. Media and media practitioners are naive and are unable to understand the complexity of social and political problems of a country. Hence, they need to be governed and their affairs should essentially be regulated. Don’t you think this premise is against the canons of freedom of expression? discuss

7. In election 2013, social media were used as a vehicle as political advertising by the leading political parties of Pakistan. Do you think that sociAL media had considerable effect on the election results? support you answer with concrete examples.

8. write short notes on the following topics:

a. non-verbal communication
b. meta communication
c. press note vs press communique
d. The news corporation

Paper of Political Science CSS 2014

Paper of General Knowledge Pakistan Affairs CSS 2014