CSS Exams 2013 Paper of Agriculture BY FPSC

CSS 2013, Paper of Agriculture CSS held on 03-March-2013 FEDERAL 2. What are the sources of irrigation water in Pakistan? Explain different methods of irrigation to agricultural crops 3. Write a detailed note on prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan 4. Explain the process of Biological Nitrogen fixation. Discuss the factors which affect this process … Read more

Past Paper of Chemistry CSS Exams 2013

Past Paper of Chemistry CSS Exams 2013 CSS 2013, Paper of Chemistry CSS held on 04-March-2013CHEMISTRY PAPER -I CE-2013 Q No. 2a)What are engineering Ceramics? Describe the raw material used in making classic ceramics products. (08)b) How Urea is manufactured on commercial scale? Support with schematic diagram. (08)c) In what respect does inner orbital complex … Read more

Paper of General Knowledge Pakistan Affairs CSS 2014

Paper of General Knowledge-Pakistan Affairs CSS 2014, Following is the paper of Pakistan Current Affairs that was held on 16 February 2014 2: Highlight the factors which played significant role in the evolution and growth of Muslim Society in Sub Continent? 3: Evaluate the impact of the services rendered by Sir Syed Ahmad Khan towards … Read more

Paper of British History CSS Exams 2014

Past Paper of British History CSS Exams 2014Q.2 Account for the development of Political Party System in England during the 19th century. Q.3 What were the changes brought about in the Structure of British Parliament by the Act of 1832. Q.4 What do you understand by the “Victorian Age”? Write in brief about the achievements … Read more

Paper of Zoology CSS 2013 held on 04-03-2013

Paper of Zoology CSS 2013 conducted by the federal public service comission of pakistan, the paper was held on held on 04-03-2013. Questions appered in the paper are provided here. Q.2 (a).Give an account of life cycle of Facciolo hepatica. (10)(b). Describe the various types of larval forms found in crustacea. (10) Q.3. (a). what is … Read more

CSS Exams 2014 Paper of European History

Past Paper of European History CSS Exams 2014, European History CE Exams 2014, that was held on 19-02-204Q.No.2. Examine critically the social and political changes brought about by the French Revolution in France from 1789-95. Q.No.3. Analyze the factors responsible for the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte. Q.No.4. Estimate the potential strengths and weaknesses … Read more

Paper of English Precis and Composition CSS 2014

Past Paper Paper of English Precis and Composition CSS 2014, unsolved Paper of English Precis and Composition that was held on 15 February 2014 on Saturday,Q 2. Write a Précis of the following passage and suggest a suitable heading to it:Probably the only protection for contemporary man is to discover how to use his intelligence … Read more

Paper of International Relations CSS 2014 Exams

Past Paper of International Relations CSS 2014 ExamsFollowing are the questions that was asked in international relation paper of css 2014, i would like to share for helping CE candidates in future Q. No. 2. Discuss evolution and development of the discipline of International Relations; define the dominant factors responsible for and explain their role … Read more

Paper of Accountancy and Auditing CSS 2014

Paper Accountancy and Auditing CSS 2014, Paper I of Accountancy and Auditing CSS Exams of 2014 FEDERAL PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS IN BS-17 UNDER THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, 2014 ACCOUNTANCY AND AUDITING, PAPER-I NOTE: (i) Part-II is to be attempted on the separate Answer Book.(ii) Attempt ONLY FOUR questions from PART-II, … Read more