Paper of British History CSS Exams 2014

Past Paper of British History CSS Exams 2014
Q.2 Account for the development of Political Party System in England during the 19th century.

Q.3 What were the changes brought about in the Structure of British Parliament by the Act of 1832.

Q.4 What do you understand by the “Victorian Age”? Write in brief about the achievements of this age.

Q.5 Write Comprehensively on the “Whigs Oligarchy” in England.

Q.6 “No Taxation without Representation”.Also narrate the causes and results of war of American Independence.

Q.7 Describe the role played by England in the downfall of Napoleon.

Q.8 “England had become the workshop of the world with the beginning of Industrial Revolution”. Discuss.

Q2: Produce and analytical essay on the four tenures of office of Gladstone, with particular reference to his reforms and foreign policy?

Q3:How was scramble for Africa carried out by the various Imperialist Powers especially Britain and what was its Climax?

Q4:Trace back the background, genesis, evolution and culmination of Fabianism and Guild socialism?

Q5: Bring out the Debit and Credit side of the Entente Cordial between England and France in early 20th century?

Q6: Highlight the pivotal role of Britain in Inter wars Periods?

Q7: Who floated the idea of European Common Market ? How did it see the daylight and what was its after-math?

Q8: Shed light on the British involvement in the war on terror after nine eleven. what is your view whether positive or negative role has been played by Britain. Support your point with watertight argument?