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Punjab Departmental Examination Rules 2012

The Punjab Departmental Examination Rules, 2012

Government of the Punjab Services & General Administration Department (regulations wing) has issued Notification No.SOR-III(S&GAD)1-12/2000(P) Dated Lahore, the 17th may, 2012 regarding The Punjab Departmental Examination Rules, 2012
No.SOR-III(S&GAD)1-12/2000(P). In exercise of the powers conferred under section 23 of the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 (VIII of 1974), Governor of the Punjab is pleased to make the following rules:
1. Short title and commencement. – (1) These rules may be cited as the Punjab Departmental Examination Rules 2012.
(2) They shall come into force at once.
(3) They shall apply to the officers of DMG (BS-17) posted in the Punjab, Ex-PCS [BS-17 & 18 (Selection Grade)], Ex-PSS [BS-17 & 18 (Selection Grade)],PMS (appointed through promotion from amongst Tehsildars/Superintendents/Private Secretaries) and Naib Tehsildars.

Definitions. – (1) In these rules:
(a) “competent authority” means Chief Secretary to Government of the Punjab;
(b) “Commission” means the Punjab Public Service Commission;
(c) “examination” means a Departmental Examination conducted under these rules;
(d) “probationer” means a person appointed to a post in accordance with the relevant rules;
(e) “Schedule” means a Schedule attached to these rules;
(f) “subject” means a subject specified in the Schedules; and
(g) “syllabus” means the syllabus as provided in the Schedules

Download The Punjab Departmental Examination Rules, 2012

Tenure Policy 2005 of Government of Punjab

Tenure Policy 2005 of Government of Punjab

Notifications Issued in 2012 By Government of Punjab

Notifications Issued in 2012 By Government of Punjab