
Parliaments of Different Countries in the World

Parliaments of Different Countries in the World

Population of world has spread with the passage of time, countries has appeared over world map. Countries have a parliament to run the  affairs of the state. In each country various names has been nominated for the parliament.

The overall population of the entire globe has risen over time, and new countries are popping up all over the map. Every country has a parliament to manage its affairs. Different names have been suggested for every country for the parliament. I’ll consequently include the names of all of the world’s parliaments in this blog article.

The Name of the Parliament of Afghanistan is Loya Jirga.
The Name of the Parliament of Australia is Federal Parliament.
The Name of the Parliament of Bangladesh is Jatiya Saugsad.
The Name of the Parliament of Canada is Parliament.
The Name of the Parliament of China is National people’s congress.
The Name of the Parliament of Denmark is Folketing.
The Name of the Parliament of Egypt is People’s Assembly.
The Name of the Parliament of France is Parliament.
The Name of the Parliament of Germany is Baundesrat.
The Name of the Parliament of Greece is Parliment.
The Name of the Parliament of India is Parliment.
The Name of the Parliament of Iran is Majlis-e-Shoura-e-Islam.
The Name of the Parliament of Iraq is National Assembly.
The Name of the Parliament of Japan is Diet.
The Name of the Parliament of Morocco is Majlis al Nuwab.
The Name of the Parliament of Oman is Consultative Assembly.
The Name of the Parliament of Qatar is Advisory Council.
The Name of the Parliament of Russia is Duma.
The Name of the Parliament of Norway is the Storting.
The Name of the Parliament of Sweden is Riksdag.

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