
Information about Important Mountain Passes and Glaciers Over the World

Information about Important Mountain Passes and Glaciers Over the World

Some parts of the earth are categorized as Mountain passes and Glaciers. This information includes location name, height, most significant, and the smallest of Mountains and glaciers.

For example, the world-famous mountain pass known as Khardung La is located in the Ladakh region of India and stands at an impressive height of 17,582 feet. On the other hand, the minor mountain pass, called Sani Pass, is found in the Drakensberg Mountains of Lesotho, standing at a relatively modest height of 9,429 feet.

When it comes to glaciers, the largest one is the Lambert Glacier in Antarctica, spanning over 400 kilometers in length. Meanwhile, the most miniature glacier is the Pasterze Glacier in Austria, measuring just 8.4 kilometers in length.

Q. What is the name of the highest mountain pass in the world?
Ans. Alpine is the highest mountain pass in the world
Q. where is namni Pass?
Ans. Namni Pass is in Myanmar.
Q. What is the name of highest pass in Pakistan?
Ans. Khunjerab Pass is highest pas in Pakistan.
Q. Where is Alpine Pass located?
Ans. Alpine Pass is in USA.
Q. Where is Lowari Pass?
Ans. Lowari Passs is in Pakistan.
Q. In which province of Pakistan Khojak tunnel located?
Ans. Khojak tunnel is located in Balouchistan.

i. Bolan (Sulaiman range) pass is located in Baluchistan Province of Pakistan.
ii. Kolpur pass is located in Baluchistan.
iii. Shandur Pass is located in Pakistan.
iv. Donner pass is located in California (USA).
v. Hispar & Biafo glacier is located in Pakistan.
vi. Siachen glacier is located in Karakoram Range.
vii. Baltoro gracier is too located in Karakoram Range.
viii. Chogo Lugma is located in Karakoram Range.
ix. Hispar glacier is located in Hunza.
x. Malaspina glacier is located in Alaska (US).
xi. Tasman glacier is located in New Zealand.
xii. Africa is with no glaciers.
xiii. Highest point of continent Asia is Mount Everest in Nepal-Tibet.
xiv. Mount Aconcagua, highest peak in the western hemisphere, located in the Andes Mountains of western Argentina, near the border with Chile.
xv. Bodpo La pass is highest pass in Tibet (China) with height 19,412.
xvi. Vesuvius is Located a volcano in Italy.
xvii. Swat valley is in the mountain range of hindukash.
xviii. Saddle peak is highest peak in Anandaman & Nicobar Islands.
xix. Karoko tao is a volcano in Indonesia.
xx. April 1984, India conducted an Operation known as ‘Operation Meghdoot’ to capture Siachen

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