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Instructions About Annual Confidential Reports (ACR)

Instructions About Annual Confidential Reports (ACR)

Government of Punjab issued guidelines regarding ACR  of Government Employees. Instructions contains procedures to be followed for completion of ACRs.

1. The officer to be reported upon should submit the ACR form after
completing Part-I to the reporting officer on 1st day of January.
2. The Reporting Officer should record his remarks in appropriate parts
by the end of 1st week of January and send the report to the
Countersigning Officer by 8th January.
3. The Countersigning Officer should record his remarks by the end of
second week of January and pass on the report to the 2nd
Countersigning Officer if any, by 16th January.
4. The final Countersigning Officer should also record his remarks within
one week.
5. Report writing should be completed within the month of January.

Download Instructions About Annual Confidential Reports (ACR) 

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