Paper of Economics I and II CSS Exams 2013

Paper I of Economics CSS 2013 1. Under perfect competition, how the firms earn abnormal and normal level of profits both in the short run and long run period? Explain with suitable diagram. 2. In the face of substantial crowding out, which will be more successful- fiscal or monetary policy? Explain in detail. 3.What are … Read more

Paper of Business Administration CSS Exams 2013

Paper of Business Administration CSS 2013 held on 05-03-2013, CSS 2013, Paper of Business Administration CSS held on 05-March-2013 SECTION A (MANAGEMENT) Q2. Discuss importance of Planning in the organization. Briefly describe types of plans. Q3. What criticism has been levelled against scientific approach to management? How the scientific approach to management is compared with … Read more

CSS Examination 2013 Paper of Geography

Paper of Geography CSS 2013 held on 04-03-2013, CSS 2013, Paper of Geography CSS held on 04-March-2013, Q.2. Ocean currents influence the climate, resources and economies of many countries.Elaborate this statement and give examples. Q.3. How have earthquake waves helped the scientist to know about the interior of the Earth.? Give a detailed description of … Read more

CSS Exams 2013 Paper of Philosophy

PAPER-I Philosophy CSS Exams 2013, Q.2. Distinguish between inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning. Why induction is considered crucial for scientific inquiry? Q.3. How emotive use of language impedes clear thinking? Illustrate with examples. Q.4. What are logical fallacies? Distinguish between formal and material fallacies. Q.5. Briefly explain the rules of replacement. Q.6. How does probability … Read more

Paper of Accountancy and Auditing CSS 2013

Paper of Accountancy and Auditing CSS 2013 held on 05-03-2013 MCQs of Paper-1 of Accountancy and Auditing CSS 2013 1. Double entry book keeping was fathered by:a) Luca Paoili b) Yoyji Ijiri c) Michael Hammer d) Ishikawa 2. Accumulated loss of a company is shown in the balance sheet as:a) Liaility b) Asset c) As … Read more

Paper of European History CSS Exams 2017

Paper of European History CSS Exams 2017 Q. No. 2. How did the French Revolution and the era of Napoleonic conquests stimulateliberalism, nationalism and conservatism in Europe? Q. No. 3. What was the German Confederation and how did it attempt to resolve theclassical problem of Central Europe? Q. No. 4. Between Mazzini, Cavour and Garibaldi, … Read more

Paper of English Essay PMS Exams 2015 PPSC

Paper of English Essay of PMS Exams 2015, Essay paper was Held on 27-12-2015, paper is shared here for helping the Future Candidates , who are getting prepare for Exams of PMS Write an Analytic Essay of about 1500 to 1600 words on any one of the topic below. 1-To err is human ;to forgive, … Read more

Paper of Assistant Director Land Record PPSC 2012

If you are looking for the past paper of Paper of Assistant Director Land Record  that was held in 2012. you can find this paper in this post of apni webzone. 1.Rabi harvest inspection on which date.Ans. 1st March2. Kharif inspection on which dateAns. 1st oct3. What are the names of G4 countries?Ans. india brazil … Read more

PPSC Paper of Headmistress-Deputy Headmistress 2014

Paper of Headmistress-Deputy Headmistress Punjab Public Service Commission Held on 6 March 2014 for appointment against the vacant posts of Headmistress in Schools.1 question answer method was developed by?2 in which type of administration, administrator do not perform any action and all the work is done by sub ordinates? laissez fafaire3 in teaching learning process, … Read more