
Brief Facts About Religions in the World

Brief Facts About Religions in the World

Some information is gathered and published for the awareness of readers having an interest in information in this area because different religions have been followed by individuals of this particular age since the beginning of the World and human beings came into existence. The knowledge might be extremely helpful for learners undertaking quizzes or general knowledge exams.

Questions and Answers about Religions of the World.

1. Before Islam the Religion of the majority of the Arabs was Idolatrous.
2. The Religion which believed in the oneness of God befor Islam in Arab was Hanfa.
3. Religions are divided into three groups of the Mongal, Saami and Arya.
4. The Group of religions Known as Saami includes Islam, Jewish and Christianity.
5. Confucius, Taoism, Shanto Mat Buddhism, Islaf parust Mangoli .
6. Zoroastrianism religion has been included in Parsi.
7. Win is not prohibited in the Religion Zoroastrianism.
8. Name the god of virtue in Zoroastrianism was Ormuzd.
9. The pioneer of the religion Zoroastrianism was Zoroast.
10. Jewism is based on Notion of Tauheed and Nation that Israelis are favorite and liked ummat.
11. Jews called Called Hazrat Oozair (A.S) the son of God.
12. The religion which claims Hazrat Essaaa(A.S) as Prophet is Christianity.

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