Past Paper of Chemistry CSS Exams 2013

Past Paper of Chemistry CSS Exams 2013

CSS 2013, Paper of Chemistry CSS held on 04-March-2013
a)What are engineering Ceramics? Describe the raw material used in making classic ceramics products. (08)
b) How Urea is manufactured on commercial scale? Support with schematic diagram. (08)
c) In what respect does inner orbital complex differ from outer orbital complex? (04)

Q No. 3
a) Describe the oxy-acids of chlorine? (06)
b) Describe what is meant by silane and silanol? What is their role in preparation of Silicons. (08)
c) Define the following type of processes (06)
i) Iso-thermal
ii) Adiabatic
iii) Iso-choric
iv) Isobaric

Q No. 4
a) How CFT and MOT account for the fact that [CoF6]^-3 is para-magnetic but [Co(NH)3]^3+ is dia-magnetic? (06)
b) Discuss crystal field splitting in complexes having different geometries? (08)
c) What are the raw materials in production of calcium super-phosphate and cement? (06)

Q .No.5
a) Derive Schrodinger wave equation and calculate the energy of the particle in one dimensional box having length @. (14)
b) What are the hazardous effects of Acid rain and Global Warming on Plants? (06)

Q No. 6
a) How Debye-Huckle theory is applied to determine activity and activity coefficient for strong electrolytes? (12)
b) How Standard electrode potential is measured? (06)
c) What is De-Broglie hypothesis? (02)

Q No. 7
a) How chlorine is produced on industrial scale? (08)
b) How Werner’s Theory explains the structure of coordination compounds?(08)
c) Why ozone layer exists at certain altitude? (04)

Q No 8
a) Give application of chelates in biological and analytical systems? (04)
b) What are advantages of semiconductor devices? (04)
c) Derive mathematical form of Clausius – Clapeyron equation? (12)

Chemistry Paper – II CSS 2013

Q No. 2
(a) Why do we use the three p-orbitals (2Px, 2Py, 2Pz) alone to form the three equivalent hybrid Orbitals on Carbon? (5)

(b) Give an example of an element that undergoes sp-hybridization in forming covalent bonds with other elements. What is the value of angle between the bonds that result from s-sp overlap of atomic orbitals. (5)

(c) What do you mean by kuminiscence? What are its types? (10)

Q No. 3
(a) The rate constant of a reaction is 1.2 x 10^-3 per second at 30 degree centigrade and 2.1 x 10^-3 at 40 degree centigrade. Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction. (10)

(b) What is E/Z system of configuration. Why it is preferred over cos/trans system of nomenclature in alkenes? (10)

Q No. 4
(a) Arrange the following functional groups in increasing order of stability of carbocation? (CH3)3C+, CH3+, CH3CH2+, CH=CH-CH2+, C6H5CH2+, (CH3)2CH+ (5)

(b) How can we prepare an aldehyde by following reactions. Gove atleast ONE representative example for each of these reactions. (10)

(i) Oxidation of Primary and Secondary Alcohol
(ii) Friedel Crafts Acylation
(III) Hydration of Alkynes
(iv) Glycol Cleavage

(c) Draw the structure of the following componds: (5)

i benzyl alcohol
ii 3-pentanol
iii 2,3-dihydroxyhexane
iv 2-sulhydrylbutane
v 3-pentanethiol

Q No. 5
(a) What are drying oils. For what purpose they are used? (10)
(b) How can you differentiate between trans-unsaturated and cis-unsaturated fatty acids. Which are more hazarduous to health? Explain with the help of example.(10)

Q No. 6
(a) Give atleast one representative example of the following reactions. (10)

i Termination Reaction
ii Disproportionate Reaction
iii Addition Polymerization
iv Friedel Crafts Alkylation
v Clasien Condensation
(b) What do you mean by gels? How are they classified? (10)

Q No. 7
(a) What are applications of colloids? (10)
(b) What are the applications of emulsions? Also give the harmdul effects of emulsions? (10)

Q No 8 Name the following structures:-