Paper of Political Science-I CSS Exams 2013 FPSC

CSS 2013, Paper of Political Science-I CSS held on 27-February -2013,CSS 2013, Paper of Political Science-I CSS held on 27-February -2013, Political Science Paper-I.

Q2. Examine Montesquieu’s theory of separation of powers. Why he has been called “Aristotle” of eighteen century? Discuss.

Q3. Critically analyse the Social Contract theory of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau.

Q4. Discuss the Allam Iqbal’s concept of “Khudi”.

Q5. Write short notes on the following:
(i) Ibne Khaldun’s concept of Asbiyah
(ii) Marx’s theory of Class Struggle


Q6. Define and discuss Liberty and its safeguards. Enlist the causes of decline in modern times.

Q7. Define political parties and their functions. In your view, which party system is suitable for Pakistan’s political system?

Q8. Write short notes:
(i) Independence of judiciary
(ii) Merits of Federation