Paper of Everyday Science CSS 2011

Past Paper of Everyday Science CSS 2011 conduced by the Federal Public Service Commission of Pakistan.

1. The planet of the solar system which has maximum numbers of Moon is:

a) Jupiter

b) Venus

c) Saturn

d) Uranus

e) None of these

2. Sun is a:

a) Planet

b) Comet

c) Satellite

d) Aurora

e) None of these

3. the age of the solar system is

a) 4.5 billion years

b) 5.5 billion years

c) 6.5 billion years

d) 7.5 billion years

e) None of these

4. A unit of length equal to the average distance between the earth and sun is called

a) Light year

b) Astronomical unit

c) Parsec

d) Parallax

e) None of these

5. An eclipse of the sun occurs when

a) The moon is between the sun and the earth

b) The sun is between the earth and the moon

c) The earth is between the sun and the moon

d) The earth casts its shadow on the moon

e) None of these

6. The ozone layer protects the earth from rays sent by the sun:

a) Ultraviolet rays

b) Infrared rays

c) Gamma rays

d) radioactive rays

e) None of these

7. The ozone layer is present about 30miles (50km) in atmosphere above earth. The stratum (layer) of atmosphere in which ozone layer lies is called as:

a) Exosphere

b) Mesosphere

c) Stratosphere

d) ionosphere

e) Troposphere

8. Which rocks are formed by the alteration of pre-existing rocks by great heat or pressure

a) Igneous rocks

b) Sedimentary rocks

c) Metamorphic rocks

d) Acid rocks

e) Basic rocks

9. The most abundant natural Iron oxides are

a) Magnetite and Pyrite

b) Magnetite and Bauxite

c) Hematite and Pyrite

d) Hematite and Magnetite

e) Hematite and Bauxite

10.The most abundant elements in sea water are

a) Sodium and Potassium

b) Sodium and Calcium

c) Sodium and Chlorine

d) Chlorine and Iodine

e) Magnesium and Sulphur

11. An electric current can produce

a) Chemical effect

b) Magnetic effect

c) Heating effect

d) All of these three

e) None of these

12. The unit of home electricity energy consumption is:

a) Watt hour

b) Kilowatt hour

c) Joule hour

d) Kilojoule hour

e) None of these

13. The magnet always points in the same direction, if move freely i.e. towards north and south poles, because of:

a) Gravitational field

b) A lot of metals deposits on north and south poles

c) Due to attraction of north pole and repulsion of Western pole

d) Earth is a huge magnet

e) None of these

14. When sound is reflected from floor, ceiling or a wall , it mixes with the original sound and change its complexion, it is called as

a) Sound

b) Echo

c) Reverberation

d) noise

e) None of these

15. the speed of sound in dry air at 20 C is about

a) 130 meters per second

b) 230 meters per second

c) 330 meters per second

d) 430 meters per second

e) None of these

16.The of light in vacuum is about

a) 300 Million meters per second

b) 300 Million meters per hour

c) 300 Million kilometers per second

d) 300 Million kilometers per hour

e) None of these

17. The time light takes from Sun to reach Earth is:

a) 8 minutes

b) 25 minutes

c) 45 minutes

d) 60 minutes

e) None of these

18. Light from Sun travels a distance before it reaches Earth:

a) 50 Million Km

b) 100 Million Km

c) 150 Million Km

d) 200 Million Km

e) None of these

19. the most suitable thermometer for measuring the boiling point of water is:

a) Mercury thermometer

b) Alcohol thermometer

c) Bimetallic thermometer

d) Liquid crystal thermometer

e) None of these

20. The density of water is greatest at:

a) 32°C

b) 0°C

c) 4°C

d) 100°C

e) None of these

21.Which one of the following statements is true:

a) Gases do not conduct heat

b) The best conductors are non-metals

c) Conduction currents occur only in liquids

d) A vacuum can not conduct heat

e) None of the statements is true.

22. Ice can be changed to water by:

a) Adding more water molecules

b) Changing the motion of the water molecules

c) Rearranging the atoms in water molecules

d) Destroying the atoms in water molecules

e) None of these

23. The building blocks of elements are called:

a) Atoms

b) Molecules

c) Compounds

d) Isotopes

e) None of these

24. Boiling of an egg is a change which is:

a) Physical

b) Chemical

c) Physiological

d) Morphological

e) None of these

25. The temperature of liquid nitrogen is:

a) -32°C

b) -80°C

c) -100°C

d) -196°C

e) None of these

26. Which one of the following is an alkali?

a) water

b) vinegar

c) lemon juice

d) slaked lime

e) None of these

27. If an alkali is slowly added to an acidic solution, the pH of the acidic solution will:

a) Increase

b) Decrease

c) Increase to 7 and then decrease

d) Decrease to 7 and then increase

e) Will remain same

28. The usual raw material for ceramics, generally found beneath the top soil is?

a) Sand

b) Slit

c) Clay

d) Plaster of Paris

e) Melamine

29. Polyamides are synthetic polymers commonly known as:

a) Synthetic rubber

b) Nylon

c) Cellulose

d) Protein

e) None of these.

30. Telephone was invented in 1876 in America by:

a) Marconi

b) Galileo

c) John Beard

d) Edison

e) Graham Bell.

31. Information can be sent over long distances in the form of:

a) Electrical signals through wires

b) Light signals through optical fibres

c) Radio waves through air

d) Any combination of these three.

e) None of these

32. Information can be stored in:

a) Audio and video cassettes

b) Floppy and compact discs

c) Hard disks

d) Laser and optical disks

e) All of these four

33.Computers can:

a) Add and subtract information only.

b) Add subtract and sort information only.

c) Add subtract sort and classify information.

d) Add and subtract but cannot sort information.

e) Add subtract and sort but cannot classify information.

34.IBM stands for:

a) International Business Machines

b) International Big Machines

c) Interrelated Business Machines

d) Interrelated Big Machines

e) None of these.

35. Chemicals used to kill weeds are called as:

a) Insecticides

b) Fungicides

c) Herbicides

d) Fumigants

e) None of these.

36. The cytoplasm consists of several types of structures, which are called:

a) Protoplasm

b) Nucleus

c) Cytochromes

d) Organelles

e) None of these.

37. The structure of DNA was elaborated by Watson and Crick in:

a) 1909

b) 1923

c) 1945

d) 1953

e) None of these.

38. In a DNA molecules, the rulefor base pairing is:

a) Adenine always bound with thymine and cytosine with guanine

b) Adenine always bound with cytosine and thymine with guanine

c) Adenine always bound with guanine and cytosine with thymine

d) Adenine always bound with uracil and cytosine with guanine

e) None of these.

39. Man belongs to the family:

a) Felidae

b) Hominidae

c) Mammalia

d) Primataceae

e) None of these.

40. Deficiency of vitamin C in human body causes a deficiency disease called:

a) Beriberi

b) Night blindness

c) Rickets

d) Scurvy

e) None of these.

41. To measure the specific gravity of milk, the instrument used is:

a) Hygrometer

b) Barometer

c) Lactometer

d) Hydrometer

e) None of these.

42. one of the fundamental characteristics of living organisms is:

a) Photosynthesis

b) Digestion

c) Excretion

d) Metabolism

e) None of these.

43. Plants growing on other plants are called as:

a) Saprophytes

b) Parasites

c) Epiphytes

d) Pathogens

e) None of these.

44. As per eating habit, squirrels are:

a) Frugivorous

b) Herbivorous

c) Carnivorous

d) Omnivorous

e) Insectivorous.

45. Water loss from leaves through stomata is called as:

a) Evaporation

b) Transpiration

c) Evapo-Transpiration

d) Respiration

e) None of these.

46. the study of how plants and animals interact with one another and with the non-living environment is called as:

a) Ecosystem

b) Sociology

c) Ecology

d) Habitat

e) None of these.

47. The number of bines in human body is:

a) 200

b) 202

c) 204

d) 206

e) None of these.

48. Nervous system in human consists of:

a) Brain and spinal cord.

b) Brain and nerves.

c) Spinal cord and nerves.

d) Brain, spinal cord and nerves.

e) None of these.

49. In human eye, the light sensitive layer made of specializes nerve cells, rods and cones is called as:

a) The pupil

b) The cornea

c) The sclera

d) The iris

e) The retina.

50. Erythrocytes are also called as:

a) Red blood cells

b) White blood cells

c) Platelets

d) Plasma

e) None of these

Q2: Write a short note on the following Muslim scientists by giving their exact life span and contribution to the field of science:-

a) Jabar-bin-Hayan b) Bu Ali Sina

Q3: Differentiate between any Five of the following pairs:-

a) Typhoons and Tornadoes (b) Microscope and Telescope (c) Ultrasonics and Infrasonics (d) Hard water and Heavy water (e) Isotopes and Isomers (f) Antibodies and Antibiotic (g) Antigens and Vaccine

Q4: (a) What is galaxy? The Earth belongs to which galaxy?

(b) Briefly describe what is big bang theory.

(c) Do you think that Pluto is still ninth planet of our solar system? If yes, how and if not why?

Q5: (a) Basically how many forms of energy are there? Also name these.

(b) Enlist different types of energy.

(c) What is renewable energy source? Quote three examples of renewable energy sources.

Q6: Is plastic a natural or an artificial polymer? Describe various types of plastics and their uses.

Q7: (a) What do the following abbreviations stand for?

i) LAN ii) HTTP iii) HTML iv) PDF v) URL

(b) Differentiate between natural and artificial Satellite. For what purpose artificial satellites are used?

Q8: (a) What is the main function of:

i) Ribosome ii) Mitochondria iii) Lysosomes iv) Chloroplasts

v) Golgi

apparatus .

(b) Give habitats of following animals:

i) Rattle Snake ii) Ostrich iii) Platypus iv) Rhinoceros v) Chimpanzee.

Q9 Write note on the following:-

a) Nucleic acids b) Fertilizers c) Semiconductors d) Microwave oven e)Internet